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Adults, teens, and children can benefit from weighted blanket therapy. Weighted Blankets are a safe and effective non-drug therapy for anyone seeking a solution for loss of sleep and relaxation.

Weighted blankets work by providing input to the deep pressure touch receptors throughout the body. Deep pressure touch helps the body relax. Like a firm hug, weighted blankets help us feel secure, grounded, and safe, this is the reason many people like to sleep under a comforter even in summer. (Source: Psychology Today)

Weighted Blankets, Snakes, or Lap Pads can be used to calm down and relax in many different ways by covering the whole body for sleep, wrapping around your shoulders or by laying it across your lap or legs only. Our products can provide relief; comfort and can help supplement sensory disorder therapy treatment for the following:

Sensory Disorders of any kind (weighted therapy can help increase Serotonin and Melatonin levels overnight)

Sleep disorders of any kind: weighted therapy can help increase the levels of Serotonin and Melatonin overnight 

   Macleans article: The blanket that hugs insomniacs to sleep Jan 20/16

Insomnia, Falling asleep and staying asleep

ADD/ADHD Spectrum Disorder (many ADHD kids use our blankets to calm down after school or during Therapy sessions, or to relax and fall asleep)

Asperger’s and Autism Spectrum Disorder (many of these kids use our blankets to calm down after school or during Therapy sessions)

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and fidgeting legs due to chemotherapy treatments or Menopause

Anxious Feelings and Panic symptoms, Tension. Cancer or Dental Anxiety, Peri-menopause and Menopause symptoms

Sensory Integration Disorders/Sensory Processing Disorders

People who are 65 or older: weighted blankets help calm a myriad of symptoms, including those who have Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

The deep pressure touch simulation or swaddling that happens when you cuddle up with a Weighted Blanket can help you or your loved one feel better and ease the mind allowing for complete relaxation.